Mr Richard Lancaster
Chief Executive Officer, CLP Holdings Limited
Title: How Innovative Technology can Help Deliver a Sustainable Energy Future
As climate change remains a serious concern and global energy consumption continues to grow, the world today is facing an urgent need to transform its energy system and to shift to cleaner and more sustainable energy sources. To achieve this, innovative solutions will be required in every part of the energy supply chain. Engineers will play a critical role as more research is needed to enable breakthroughs and large-scale deployment of lower-carbon, smarter energy solutions.
Mr Richard Lancaster is Chief Executive Officer of CLP Holdings, the parent company of the CLP Group which is one of the largest investor operators in the electricity industry throughout the Asia-Pacific region. Mr Lancaster has more than 35 years of experience in the power industry and in other industrial operations in Asia, Australia and the United Kingdom. Prior to assuming his current role in September 2013, he was Managing Director of CLP’s operations in Hong Kong, responsible for its electricity generation, transmission and distribution business serving 2.7 million customers in Hong Kong. Mr Lancaster joined CLP in 1992 and has held a wide range of managerial positions within the company. His experience covers project management, power plant operations, commercial, finance, legal and corporate functions. Besides serving in various subsidiary companies of the CLP Group as Director, Mr. Lancaster is the Immediate Past Chairman of the Business Environment Council and a founding member of the Advisory Council of The Australian Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong & Macau. He is a Fellow of the Hong Kong Management Association and a council member of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and a member of its Climate and Energy Cluster Board. He is also chairman of the Hong Kong Membership Committee of the UN-accredited World Energy Council. Originally from Australia, Mr. Lancaster is an electrical engineering graduate of UNSW Sydney.