
Professor Kazuhiro Kosuge
Chair Professor of Robotic Systems
Director, JC STEM Lab of Robotics for Soft Materials
The University of Hong Kong
Title: Robotics and AI for Real-world Challenges
Robotics is an interdisciplinary field that involves the design and development of systems to perform specific tasks. In this presentation, we will explore the role of robotics in providing services for real-world applications and how AI technologies can be applied to solve problems using robotic systems. One example is our co-worker robot “PaDY,” which was developed for the automotive assembly process and inspired by a dance partner robot we created for the Aichi Expo in 2005. Intention estimation was a key feature of these collaborative robots. Recent advancements in Robotics and AI have also led to the development of robotic applications in manufacturing, such as the assembly of textureless industrial parts. Additionally, recent advances in robotics and AI are making it possible to manipulate soft materials. The JC STEM Lab of Robotics for Soft Materials, funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, has been established to explore this new field together with the Center for Transformative Garment Production, an InnoHK initiative of the Hong Kong SAR Government.
Professor Kazuhiro Kosuge is a Chair Professor of Robotic Systems in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Hong Kong and Director of the JS STEM Lab of Robotics for Soft Materials. He is an IEEE Life Fellow, JSME Fellow, SICE Fellow, RSJ Fellow, JSAE Fellow, and a member of the Engineering Academy of Japan. Dr. Kosuge has served as President of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (2010-2011), IEEE Division X Director (2015-2016), and IEEE Vice President for Technical Activities (2020). He has received numerous honors, including the Medal of Honor with Purple Ribbon in 2018 in the name of the Emperor of Japan in recognition of his contributions to academic and industrial advancements and the 2021 IEEE RAS George Saridis Leadership Award in Robotics and Automation.